Monday, December 28, 2009

Pack up

Last month brought a sting in its tail. We lost our mother; then, as the lady puts it, we swept up the heart and put love away... packing up smiles, habits, responses, whole parts of us that will never be used again. 

I had a special ringtone for home; birdcalls that everyone around me knew indicated my mother was calling. The ringtone has been retired honorably. That needed packing too. 

So sentimentally, a new haiku on the header:  

Sometimes I think...
you would answer the phone
if I were to call
~Robert Major


Space Bar said...

i admire the retiring. one and a half years on, after my mother took over my dad's phone, i still haven't the heart to remove the 'appa' appellation from my phone.

my this year be better than the last. hugs.

Sheetal said...

I had to, SB - sliced my heart to hear it and know she wasn't at the other end.
Yes, a better year, insha'allah! Hugs and Happy New Year.