Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Vadatu samskritam

Australopithecus was tagged a funny tag. The task was "to get the 6th picture from your 6th folder and to tell its story". Hah, I thought, my pictures are all in one sub-sub-sub-folder, so what is one to do if the sixth folder I open doesn't have pictures? Vela moment, I try it. And there is a jpeg image:

Some 6-7 years ago, I attended a course in Spoken Sanskrit. It was wonderful—very empowering. Unfortunately, the teacher dawdled over the easy initial part, then found himself short of time, so rushed through the more complicated syllabus at breakneck speed. It left a very incomplete feeling and I've always intended to refresh what I'd learnt, pore over the books and teach myself a bit more thoroughly. This sixth folder was full of scanned pages from a textbook I'd found online.


Sharada said...

Yay! Yevaro Blogu chanipo ledhu anta. Spoken Sanskrit. Wow. Say, would you be interested in an incomplete version and faulty version of Aati kya Khandala in Sanskrutham?

Sheetal said...

hurrah, it is alive!
Khandala gacchamyaham va? yes yes, tell!